Taking a break!

If you have been around for a while - by now, it must be evident that I haven't been active on the blog in a long time. One of the main reasons is that I am in the process of moving servers for all of my hosted websites, as well as, self-teaching cloud and server management as I move further along.
After a tryst with shared servers over the last 11+ years, I am making a major move towards understanding Virtual Private Servers (VPS) and Cloud, and building my own set of stack of scripts that I would like to host. It has been a learning curve - identifying the better and cost-effective server options, choosing operating system and other configurations, and building a sustainable environment from scratch, without cPanel support.
As such, the need to ensure that no data is lost during migration has kept me away from actively updating any prior websites / scripts. The target is to close out on this process is mid-September 2022 since that is when the lease to my shared hosting ends. So far, the workflow on server-setup has gone down smoothly; and if things go as planned, I should be able to migrate over the course of next 10 days.
There is a lot of work to be done, and by the end of it - hopefully, I would be able to share the journey of how I managed to make this move. Until then...